Created by Game Envy, the DESK WIZARD – Hobby and Miniature Painting Organization System is expanding with the addition of the DESK WIZARD – Rank 10 and DESK WIZARD – Rank 14 paint decks. They are designed to provide an extremely versatile solution for in-use paints, individual projects and full desk organization by keeping your favorite paints, tools, phone and even your Hobby Holder Miniature Holder at the ready.
The DESK WIZARD – Miniature Painting Organizers are a unique way to keep your painting space clean and efficient. Whether you work on the kitchen table or have an entire painting studio, the Desk Wizard R10 + R14 can help your painting experience!
Since our first campaign in 2017 for the Hobby Holder All-in-one Miniature Painting Handle and Grip (Pat. 10,578,246), Game Envy has made a global impact on miniature painting by creating unique hobby tools and accessories used by thousands of miniature painters across the world. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for new products and deals!
Stack Your Rank 10s and Rank 14s with the Arena Stand available here!
DESK WIZARD – Rank 10 (Holds 10 Paints Plus Brushes, Tools and Phone)
- Laying Flat (LxWxHx): 8.25″ x 5″ x 1.2″
- Laying Flat w/ Stand (LxWxHx): 8.25″ x 5.875″ x 3.3″
- Tilt 1 w/ Stand (LxWxHx): 8.25″ x 5.75″ x 3.3″
- Tilt 2 (LxWxHx): 8.25″ x 4.125″ x 4.25″
DESK WIZARD – Rank 14 (Holds 14 Paints Plus Brushes, Tools and Phone)
- Laying Flat (LxWxHx): 11.45″ x 5″ x 1.2″
- Laying Flat w/ Stand (LxWxHx): 11.45″ x 5.875″ x 3.3″
- Tilt 1 w/ Stand (LxWxHx): 11.45″ x 5.75″ x 3.3″
- Tilt 2 w/ Stand (LxWxHx): 11.45″ x 4.125″ x 4.25″