Created by Game Envy, the DESK WIZARD – Hobby and Miniature Painting Organization System is expanding with the addition of the DESK WIZARD – Rank 10 and DESK WIZARD – Rank 14 paint decks. They are designed to provide an extremely versatile solution for in-use paints, individual projects and full desk organization by keeping your favorite paints, tools, phone and even your Hobby Holder Miniature Holder at the ready.
The DESK WIZARD – Miniature Painting Organizers are a unique way to keep your painting space clean and efficient. Whether you work on the kitchen table or have an entire painting studio, the Desk Wizard R10 + R14 can help your painting experience!
Since our first campaign in 2017 for the Hobby Holder All-in-one Miniature Painting Handle and Grip (Pat. 10,578,246), Game Envy has made a global impact on miniature painting by creating unique hobby tools and accessories used by thousands of miniature painters across the world. You can follow our progress on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and visit our shop for new products and deals!
DESK WIZARDs are full of amazing features to elevate your painting experience!
Sleek + Functional Design
Accepts Most Miniature Paint Brands
Device + Art Holder / Tilt Stand
Multi-Angle Tilt
Ample Brush + Tool Storage
Bolt-Together Construction
Intelligently Designed Paint Slots
Game Envy Compatible
The DESK WIZARD Organization System will continue to be integrated into the Game Envy product lineup.
Versatile Options
Cork Holder Top Plate and Adapters
You will now have the option to select a reduced diameter Cork Holder Top Plate instead of the Paint Holder Top Plate for each of the DESK WIZARD you backed for. There are also Cork Holder Adapter Plates now available as Add-Ons that will attach to the top of your DESK WIZARD so you can organize Corks AND Paint! The even work with the Hobby Holder Miniature Holder Cork Inserts
The WIZARD ARENA Stand Add-on
The Newly Unlocked WIZARD ARENA STAND Add-on enables the stacking of you DESK WIZARDS to accommodate more paints and tools with taking up much more desk space. The ARENA STAND securely hold any combination of two DESK WIZARDS, RANK 10s or RANK 14s, while still allowing you to remove them with ease when needed.
Spacious Top Plate Option
The new DESK WIZARD Spacious Top Plate option will accept Tamiya, 60ml Primer, Airbrush, craft store paints like FolkArt AND your Hobby Holder!
Stunning Color Options
All the color support pieces are standardized between the DESK WIZARD Organization System so you can even mix and match colors! We are looking into the ability to purchase JUST the support pieces so keep an eye out for that here.
The DESK WIZARD is a perfect solution for keeping in-use paints organized, as well as being an expandable solution to keep your whole painting area looking sharp. This is just the beginning! As the DESK WIZARD – Miniature Painting Organization System expands, as is our plan, you will easily be able to integrate them to store all your paints and tools.
Don’t have a dedicated painting area? The DESK WIZARD is sturdy and easy to pick up and transport, so you can paint anywhere you like. This also makes it a great solution for painting classes. Whether you are an instructor or a student, keeping your required paints and tools at the ready is a must!
Hey Twitch streamers and YouTubers! The DESK WIZARD – R10 + R14 make keeping your videos clean and looking sharp easier than ever. Whether they are on or off camera the DESK WIZARD allows you to be efficient and organized to keep thing flowing smoothly. The device stand is also great for chat, music or the baby monitor!
No matter your level of painting keeping your space organized is so important and the DESK WIZARD – Rank 10 + Rank 14 Miniature Painting Organizers are here to help!